Family Care Uganda

Family Care Uganda

A big purpose behind creating a home for plant lovers was to find a way to support an orphanage that my mother Robin Yamaguchi runs called Family Care Uganda.
Starting in 2004 with 10 kids, she now homes and educates over 240 kids. Mostly the kids are children of child soldiers who can not afford school fees so with the commitment of the families contributing food from time to time, she has 240 live in children, from 1st grade primary school up to 12 grade high school. She then helps get them sponsors to be able to go to university and continue their education outside the orphanage.
Here is a link to her site to learn more about the school

To help her, I am donating $1 from every purchase to go towards her school. At checkout there is a tipping option I have provided if you wish to contribute too. If not, your prayers and positive vibes go a long way.

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